Turmeric Supplements & Benefit .

Turmeric Supplements & Benefit .

Turmeric is known for its fame in Asian cuisine, but over recent years its popularity has grown into something much greater.

Read on and we’ll hit you with some turmeric knowledge.

What is turmeric?

Turmeric is a spice that derives from the turmeric plant, a close relative of ginger which both makes up part of the Zingiberaceae family.

On a culinary level, you’ll recognise it as the yellow-coloured spice that you find in curries and other Asian cuisine.

It’s been used for thousands of years to flavour and colour curry powders, tea, mustards, butter, and cheeses, amongst others.

However, in this instance, we are concentrating on its use in supplements where the root of turmeric is also traditionally and widely used for its health benefits.

Turmeric contains curcumin, a yellow-coloured chemical compound known to give turmeric its colour.


Curcumin makes up a wider range of compounds called curcuminoids.But there is a bit of a caveat. The curcumin content of turmeric is not actually that high.

In fact, it’s only around 3% by weight, which means you’d need to consume around 1 gram per day which would be very difficult to achieve just by eating turmeric in food alone.

If you want to experience the full effects, you’re probably best looking for a supplement that contains high levels of curcumin. Fortunately, we can point you in the right direction.

What does turmeric do in the body?

India has boasted the benefits of turmeric for thousands of years.

Ayurvedic culture, a traditional Indian approach to holistic has long since praised the health and wellbeing benefits of turmeric, and now it appears that Western studies are quickly catching on.

Benefits of Turmeric

What is turmeric good for?

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine, a holistic approach to medicine that originated in India, has long praised the health and wellbeing benefits of turmeric, and now Western studies are discovering the following:

1. It may help manage bodily discomfort

There are many turmeric benefits for men and women, but our first pick is its ability to help with the reduction of bodily discomfort. A 2013 study in the journal Biofactors found that curcumin may be responsible for helping with discomfort and swelling. Researchers say it has this effect by blocking enzymes and other proteins that create an inflammatory response in the body.

2. It may support your joints

Another benefit of turmeric is that it may help to protect your joints from wear and tear thanks to curcumin contents. This includes helping to ease symptoms of arthritis like joint movement and stiffness, according to a 2016 study in Journal of Medicinal Food.

The curcumins in turmeric have soothing properties, so much so, that they are said to help improve the symptoms of arthritis.

According to research carried out on people with rheumatoid arthritis, curcumin may be even more effective than some anti-inflammatory drugs.

What’s more, many other studies have looked at the effects of curcumin on arthritis and noted improvements in various symptoms.

3. It may ease digestion problems

Curcumin may also be able to help support gut health, including managing excess gas, abdominal discomfort, and bloating. A 2013 trial by the University of Nottingham found curcumin stimulates the gallbladder to produce bile, an essential substance needed to break down fat in foods.

4. It may support skin health

As well as having soothing properties, turmeric is also said to have antioxidant properties, making it effective for skin types and conditions, such as blemish prone skin and psoriasis.

The soothing properties can help calm sensitive skin.

You can also use it, or different variations of it, like face cleansers, skin masks and night creams within your skincare regimes. This can regulate oil production, cleanse the skin, and even, manage facial hair.

Turmeric can also be used for pimples, thanks to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help with breakouts and can help manage redness and scarring.

5. It may help with acid reflux

You may not have put the two together until now, but turmeric may also help with acid reflux and gastrointestinal problems, too.

Research into acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease has shown these conditions may be caused by inflammation and oxidative stress and that they can be managed with antioxidants and supplements with soothing properties.

Turmeric, and its extract curcumin, are both said to possess these properties. Because of this, turmeric may help with acid reflux.

Meanwhile, a separate study revealed that the soothing effects of curcumin manage the risk of oesophageal issues.

6. It may help with symptoms of depression

It’s believed that curcumin might be able to help ease depression and enable antidepressants to work more effectively.

Some studies says there’s a connection between depression and chronic inflammation, suggesting that chronic inflammation and depression can aggravate one another.

It’s thought that antioxidants, such as curcumin, can help with the symptoms of depression by managing the chronic inflammation that’s been highlighted by wider research.

How much turmeric is safe to take?

There is no reference nutrient intake (RNI) for turmeric tablets, but be careful to not exceed the dosage stated on any label. However, there is an RNI for curcumin.

The World Health Organisation advises up to 3mg per kg of bodyweight of curcuminoids, which includes curcumin.

The average daily intake in an Indian diet is much higher, between 60 and 100mg per kg of bodyweight.

For the best effect, you should have turmeric in combination with black pepper. A 2017 study by USA’s Central Michigan University reported that an important compound in black pepper, piperine, can promote the body’s ability to absorb curcumin by 2000%.6

Children under 12 years old and women who are pregnant or breast-feeding should not take turmeric, as its safety in these groups not been proven.

How to take turmeric

Fortunately, there are lots of ways to use turmeric. Some people believe that the best way to take turmeric is to mix the powder with liquid to form a drink. You can do this with water (but it may not taste great) or you could add it to a smoothie so that it’s a little easier on the palette.

But that’s not all. Turmeric is also available in capsule, gummy and liquid form – so you can find the ideal format and flavour to suit your tastes.

What are the side effects of taking turmeric?

So, what are the side effects of taking turmeric? While they’re considered to be rare, some side effects when taken in large amounts can include:6

  • Upset stomach, including diarrhoea
  • Yellow stools
  • Headache
  • Rash

The Final Say

Now you know what turmeric is and why it’s good for you, will you add it to your diet? With so many different types to choose from, you’ll find the ideal turmeric supplement for your tastebuds.

Before taking any supplements or minerals, it’s best to make sure you’re getting all the nutrients through your diet first.

Food supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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